Saturday, August 21, 2010

Real Beauty Of Sea Life

The sea is home to various species of Sea plants and sea animals, many of which live under the sunlit areas and others in the dark and the deep sea. In the Deep Sea you will find everything from microscopic planktons to the giant whale. There are basically two types of marine organisms; the plants and the animals.

Sea animals are divided into three groups; zooplankton, nekton and benthos. Zooplanktons are mostly the drifting animals. These are usually very small but can grow up to a large size. An example of such deep sea animals is jellyfish. These animals are unable to drive themselves and that is why they are dependant on the ocean current or wind to move around. The zooplanktons also include fish eggs or larval forms of organisms which may leave the plankton community when they grow up.

Nektons are free swimmers and consist of the largest portion of the deep Sea Life. The common fishes, octopus, Sea Whales, squids and eels are all examples of nektons. The nektons include a variety of diverse creatures like the whale, dolphin and tortoise are very much different from the codfish or trouts.

The last type of Deep sea fish are the benthos. This type of sea animal spends its whole time on or in the deep sea waters. This category includes the lobsters, starfish, oysters, etc. Some of these animals can move around on the bottom but their lives is are mainly bound on the sea bottom and are not able to survive if kept away from this environment.

The basic differences between the plants and animals are that plants make their own food, while the animals look for food around them. With the help of sunlight as their main source of energy, plants produce organic materials and inorganic materials like water, carbon dioxide and other nutrients. This is why plants are known as ‘producers’ and the animals are called the ‘consumers’.

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